This is the Filmklang.Studio
Composed Orchestral music and sound design for film, TV, streaming and games - Made in Bavaria - Germany.
Filmklang – Music for Radioplay, Film, TV, Games
We compose and arrange orchestral epic sound worlds for film and TV productions.
We offer a high-performance digital studio in which we can create and perform virtual orchestral arrangements in real time.
We work completely Global – Digital – Remote

What we offer for your Projects
- Individually composed orchestral film music
- Arranged and produced in a virtual recording studio in real time using a high-performance computer network
- We work digitally and remotely worldwide - also in real time with customers on projects
- Simple fee and license structure
More about Filmklang Studio
iMAGICATION.PRO - Premium Production Music
The Filmklang.Studio specializes in virtual orchestral film music. You can expect from us both pure orchestral score film music and hybrid orchestral electronic music, which is authentically arranged and produced virtually in real time in well-known studios and recording stages.
How we Work
iMAGICATION.PRO - Premium Production Musicc
iMAGICATION.PRO – Premium Production Music
We work completely digitally and, above all, remotely with all customers worldwide.
As a customer, you receive access to our workspace. You can also work with us in real time via our network and discuss your projects and our composition suggestions and work.
The Filmklang Workspace
iMAGICATION.PRO - Premium Production Music
The Filmklang Workspace is a digital project workplace through which we exchange our work and project plans with you. This is where schedules and work processes are created.
After the project starts, we create a separate workspace for each customer.
Our composition and production fees and royalties
Our work is rewarded in two ways. On the one hand, the work of composition and production, on the other hand, it licenses our copyright and recording rights for your use.
Our basic fee includes the work for composition and production, as well as the licensing for Germany.
Additional licensing for Europe and the Worldwide Region can be booked separately.
Likewise the realization of a production in surround sound or Dolby Atmos.
This is not a complete buyout. You receive a very extensive usage license. The copyright and use of the recordings without the accompanying film remain with us. These so-called performance and reproduction rights remain with GEMA and are taken care of by it.
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Filmklang FAQ
- What is the Filmklang Workspace?Filmklang Workspace is our online project management environment. Here all project data is exchanged online and we can send you files and coordinate schedules. The workspace will be set up after booking our service.
- How to access Filmklang?We must ensure that only business customers use our platform. Private consumers are not allowed to access our platform for legal reasons. We therefore ask you to register as a member of our platform free of charge.
- What about License Fees?Our fees consist of composition fees and license fees. The basic price includes the composition fee for a certain amount of music and the license for Germany. Further services and license areas can be individually configured
- A license from GEMA & Co. is enough?Out Authors and we as a Studio and Music publisher are members of GEMA. GEMA represents our rights as authors and music publishers when publishing and reproducing. Our rights to so-called synchronization rights such as TV, film and advertising are largely not taken into account. The publisher itself grants these syn rights to users. The publisher represents the authors and can license the sync rights. The ancillary copyrights also apply to the use of the recordings that make the compositions audible. Public broadcasters and production companies that produce films for these channels have contracts with GEMA and GVL. Our works can be used within the framework of the framework agreements with GEMA. Co-productions or use on other distribution and usage channels require licensing.
- How do I pay for the services?All authors and the publisher are members of the German collecting society GEMA. GEMA represents our rights as authors and music publishers when it comes to publication and reproduction. It does not take into account our rights in so-called synergies, such as TV, film and advertising. Here the music publishers and authors grant the licenses for the use of the works themselves. Likewise for the use of the recordings that make the compositions audible, the ancillary copyrights. Public broadcasters and production companies that produce films for these broadcasters have contracts with GEMA and GVL. Here our works can be used within the scope of the framework agreements with GEMA. Co-productions or use on other distribution and usage channels require licensing. So if you create works that use our music and these are not broadcast exclusively on German public TV and radio stations, then you need a license from us. We calculate fees for composition and music production ourselves. The synchronization right is granted by us. Here you can find the amount of the licenses in the license shop. We will create an invoice for your order. This invoice will be paid in 4 installments. The details can be found in the Special and General Terms and Conditions. Please note - We do not provide any unpaid advance services.
- Is Our Work and music protected by copyright?Yes. All of our compositions and recordings are subject to German and international copyright law. This is not royalty free music. We are a member of a collecting society. The use of our music and recordings is not permitted without the consent of us or the respective collecting societies. In connection with a film, we grant the synchronization right for use in a film. When using our compositions in performances or radio broadcasts, the authors and publishers must be named. If used in films, TV and advertising, a license must be purchased from us.
- License Terms - Three simple conditionsOVERVIEW License Terms
One Price One Price for One Project includes: - Composing Fee
- Production Fee
- Licensing Royalities for Germany
- Europe
- World Wide
Unlimited Term The term of the license is unlimited for the licensed production. All Media Usage in all media for the sync rights that arise together with the film project. This means the film project together with the music can be distributed or streamed in all media. Exception: The copyrights remain with the authors and the publisher. A right of use is granted. Furthermore, if the music is distributed solely, the performance and reproduction rights are exercised worldwide by GEMA and the secondary exploitation rights by GVL. All Rights The right to synchronize and use the recordings in TV, film, advertising and documentaries is included in the license. * Exceptions apply to broadcasters that have a framework agreement with GEMA or another collecting society. The same applies here: The copyrights remain with the authors and the publisher. A right of use is granted. Furthermore, if the music is distributed solely, the performance and reproduction rights are exercised worldwide by GEMA and the secondary exploitation rights by GVL. - What is our Digital Virtual Studio?We operate a high-performance computer network in our studio. This allows us to virtually recreate digital sound and studio recording spaces and create complete orchestral arrangements in real time.
- What is Filmklang StudioWe compose and arrange orchestral epic sound worlds for film and TV productions. We offer a high-performance digital studio in which we can create and perform virtual orchestral arrangements in real time.